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Saturday 20 May 2023


Membership Renewal Update

Dear members,

Thank you to those members who have provided feedback to the club about the changes to the membership renewal. In summary, the feedback has been both positive and, in some cases, cause for concern. None the less, feedback is important and valuable. I empathise with those members who are adversely affected by the changes.

I have responded to many emails, returned many phone calls, sat with numerous groups of members one on one (and as a group) and held a members' forum last week. All of which has been extremely valuable and has provided wide discussion. As I have stated in many of these discussions, our membership required a thorough analysis, and thanks to the subcommittee that worked together over a couple months, we will have a membership platform that will allow growth for our membership base.

We now have 3 main categories of membership:

  1. Full - unlimited access to the course. $3,200 (base subscription only)
  2. Midweek - access to the course is restricted. $2,400 (base subscription only)
  3. Lifestyle - access is based on utilising points. $1,400 (base subscription only with 100 points)

As a committee, we made certain assumptions about members renewing and further assumptions about the conversion rate to other categories (for those members where their category is no longer available). These estimates were conservative and based on feedback, and from the email poll, we are pleased to say we are on track and ahead of our estimates.

Having said that, we recognise one aspect of the change that impacts our midweek members that would like to become full members and the price jump is the barrier. Mid-week is $2,400 (subs only) and full is $3,200 (subs only). A difference of $800. For the six day member, their current subscription to become a full member is a jump of $330. The board has reviewed the feedback on this aspect of the membership  and we are pleased to advise of the following change:

Members who renew on 1 July 2023 to a "FULL MEMBER" will be entitled to a discount of $200.

FULL MEMBERSHIP will be $3,000 (base subs only). The full membership category will revert back to $3,200 from 1 September 2023. This full membership rate is available to ALL members (including existing full members). 

Membership prices (from 1 July) for all categories 

Corporate membership packages (from 1 July)

Shane Thompson

Club President 

Full members offer 2023

The above is a copy of one of our ad images that will go out to the market shortly. Nomination fee for full members only will be retained at $550 during the promotional period of July and August. 

We are also extending this offer to past GGC members. Past GGC members will not be paying the nomination fee to rejoin our Club as a full member. This is a once off offer and only applicable during the promotional period. 

If you know of anyone that would be interested to join our Club, please let them know about the limited time offer. 

Application form (PDF) - for new members

new member intro package

New member intro package 

We are excited to launch from 1 June - the new member intro package. 

This is not a GGC membership category but a pathway for new golfers. This package is targeted towards new golfers that want an early association with Gosnells Golf Club and enjoy a package for practice and lessons therefore gaining confidence for a GolfLink handicap and a step up into club membership.

Current GGC members are not eligible for this package. It is targeted towards golfers without a GL handicap. 

We encourage members in this package to play Friday Twilight and be familiar with rules of handicap and golf. 

Full terms and conditions of this package is available on this webpage. 

Application form 

New booking platform for dining 

We are pleased to announce the launch of a new booking platform for daily lunches and future club events (including monthly Friday night dining). Bookings can now be accessed directly on the main website (top right corner next to members login button). 

Membership survey poll 

If you have yet to respond to the membership survey poll for your category (emailed on 3 May 2023), please click on the following links applicable to your CURRENT category. We appreciate a response before 24 May so that we could prepare the correct invoice from 1st week in June. 

We will send out a reminder email next week as well and please note that if you do receive a reminder email and you have responded, it may be because the number that you have placed in the poll earlier is incorrect. (there are a few unaccounted member numbers). It is not sent in error. 

Quick updates 

REMINDER (from last edition): Current weekday and 6 day members will be allowed to play in Saturday PM timesheet with timesheet access 3 days prior, starting from Saturday 3 June. This is a temporary measure in the month of June. 

Our annual surcharge for payments received online for credit card and over the counter credit card payments will be in the place again from Monday 5 June for our subscription period. The surcharge for credit card payments are the same as last year - 1% for office counter payment and 1.75%+ for online payment (via Stripe). 

The pricing for buggy and cart storage from 1 July are as follow - $375 for buggies and $475 for carts (ride on). 

The ticketing system from 1 July will only be open 15 minutes prior to timesheet opening, not half hour (like it is now). 

NOTHING has changed for women's golf on Weds. The tee times change as they usually do for summer/winter times but that's about it. 

We welcome new staff member in the pro shop- Amanda Gan. Some of you may be familiar with that name as Amanda is one of the rising junior stars in golf. 

Trevor Jonas

Trevor takes the sweep 

Winners are grinners!

Trevor won the Twilight comp last Friday 12 May, and also drew the lucky key to open up the Twilight box. What a double feat! 

With his $1900 earnings, I'm sure the next round at the bar is on Trevor.

Well done Trevor! 

Ask not what the Club can do for you....

But what you can do for the Club. Our latest volunteer - Craig Grant! Thanks Craig! Craig kindly volunteered to clean the windows around the members lounge on Friday (19 May) and we thank you for helping your Club. 

This week, we also recognise all our club volunteers as part of the National Volunteer Week. Thank you to ALL OF YOU who volunteered their time at the Club. We have volunteers in our Board, Committees, Course and in various projects. We appreciate it. Our Club is better for it. And we can't thank you enough. 

Women clinics posterJune women clinics

calendar icon Friday 26 May 2023 

Friday night dining 

Last Friday of the month dining for this month is on Friday, 26 May.

We have a kids corner so it is easier to bring your kids and grandkids down to the Club. They can watch kids shows and do their own activities whilst you enjoy some much needed break and adult conversations. 

It is much better deal than going to restaurants. 

P.S. If you have previously booked in the older platform, we will convert your booking to the new platform.

Paul Fenton

Take a few strokes off your handicap this season by booking a lesson with Paul Fenton

Online booking link

Calum Juniper

Take a few strokes off your handicap by booking a lesson with Calum Juniper

Online booking link 

Gosnells Golf Club
95 Sandringham Promenade,
Canning Vale WA 6155

P: (08) 9455 1983
E: reception@gosnellsgc.com.au


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