Course Care

There are 5 general simple rules that apply when it comes to course care at Gosnells Golf Club.

Pitch Marks

Pitch marks should be repaired by using your pitch mark repairer to push the grass at the edge of the pug mark towards the centre of the hole.

Please repair your ball mark and at least two others. A pitch mark properly repaired will heal within 24 hours whereas an un-repaired ball mark will take at least 15 days to mend.

Raking Bunkers

Bunkers need to be rake carefully and evenly after playing from them. The general rule is:

  • Leave the lie that you would want for yourself.
  • Replace the rake outside the bunker in an area that is least likely to affect movement of the ball – that being the areas within the vicinity of the bunker at the furthest point from the line of play to the hole.
  • Try to push sand away from the edge.

Reasoning as to why rakes are to be left outside of bunkers:

When rakes are left in the middle of bunkers, the only positioning option is to throw into the bunker, which causes indentation in the sand.  Furthermore, if a rake is in the middle of a large bunker, it is either not used or the player is obliged to rake a large area of the bunker when retrieving the rake, resulting in unnecessary delay.

After considering all of the above aspects and while recognising that the positioning of rakes is at the Committee’s discretion, it is preferable that rakes be left outside bunkers in areas where they are least likely to affect movement of the ball.

Divots on Fairways

For all golfers at Gosnells Golf Club, we don’t have sand buckets to fill in divots on the fairway. Please repair the divot on the fairway by breaking in the sides of the divot with a golf club (in herring bone fashion) and then scuffing over the area with your spikes.

Buggies on Course

Players shall not take buggies onto greens or across blue lines marked in front of greens or green surrounds. (Blue lines applicable in winter)

Watch our course care video below (only 53 seconds long).