Lessons & Clinics

To really enjoy golf and to make the most of the time spent on course, regular lessons are a must. The Club’s friendly teaching professional’s are available to help master all areas of the game and can help all levels of player, from those who have never picked up a club before to those with dreams of playing the game for a living.

From a quick swing fix to an ongoing game improvement program, the team of PGA-qualified Professionals are able to help:

• Beginners, who are supplied with the foundations on which to build a fundamentally-sound golf game.

• Golfers looking to lower their scores and turn problem areas into parts of their game they can rely upon, eliminating weaknesses and turning them into strengths.

• Already proficient players who are wanting to take their game to the next level.

Lessons using the latest technology are available and a wide range of teaching aids – such as Flightscope, BodiTrak & Capto – help to speed up the learning process and to ingrain new swing thoughts.

Special rates are offered to members and juniors, and there are also discounts given to those booking an ongoing lesson package.

On-course lessons are also available, which not only allow the everyday player to pick up some pointers on technique but also gain invaluable insight into how to think like a professional and hopefully score like one too.

To book a golf lesson please contact:

Calum Juniper

Email – cjuniper@pgamember.org.au

Mobile – 0425 469 478

Lesson Bookings

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Calum Juniper

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Calum Juniper Coaching Service and Schedule of Fees 2024
