Greens Update – Terry Gale

Course Update from Chairman of Green’s Terry Gale

The end of Summer brings an end to the very busy  ‘Grow it and Mow it’ season for our course staff with the cooler months bring a period of slower growth, and offers the opportunity to commence work on larger projects, outside our normal maintenance routine.

The Board of Management, have, on recommendation from the Greens Committee, approved the renovation of 3 greens this year as part of the Club’s Greens Replacement Program that commenced in 2015.  This year we will be renovating the Green complexes on the 4th, 5th and 8th holes of our Golf course.

Our Superintendent, Phil Moylan and his team will undertake the work in house.  The Club will again benefit from Phil’s wealth of experience golf course construction, without the cost of engaging additional course architects and designers to deliver these projects.

Click here to view the Scope of Works for the Green’s Complexes

We appreciate that renovations in their nature will cause disruptions to business as usual, but, as we have found previously, the positive outcomes achieved far outweigh the disruption in the long run.  

All three greens will be seeded with Pure Distinction bent grass in line with the seed used on previous greens replacements.  At the conclusion of these three holes we shall have 9 holes replaced with Pure Distinction. We will have completed 50% of our greens and will be on the homeward track to having all of our greens replaced.

Members will be invited to have their say on whether we play a shorter course or play two temporary greens on the 5th and 8th holes.  A survey will be distributed in due course to canvas member opinion.  As previously, we will bring hole 13a into play for the duration of the project.